miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2019

Dev C++

l'enllaç mostra un vídeo per carregar la llibreria graphics.h en entorn Windows10

// C++ program to draw an Ellipse 
// rotating over a Circle using graphics 


using namespace std; 

// Ellipse drawing function 
void drawEllipse(int xc, int yc, int a, int b, 
float alpha, int color) 

float t = 3.14 / 180; 
alpha = 360 - alpha; 
int theta; 

// Filling each pixel corresponding 
// to every angle from 0 to 360 
for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 1) { 
theta = i; 
int x = a * cos(t * theta) * cos(t * alpha) 
+ b * sin(t * theta) * sin(t * alpha); 

int y = b * sin(t * theta) * cos(t * alpha) 
- a * cos(t * theta) * sin(t * alpha); 

putpixel(xc + x, yc - y, color); 

// Function to calculate the position 
// of ellipse after each rotation 
void slidePattern(int xc, int yc, int r, int a, int b, 
int alpha, float p, int color) 

float t = 3.14 / 180; 
float t1, t2, d; 
float angle = (p * alpha); 

// Calculation for center of Ellipse 
t1 = cos(t * fmod(angle, 360)); 
t2 = sin(t * fmod(angle, 360)); 
t1 *= t1; 
t2 *= t2; 
t1 = t1 / (a * a); 
t2 = t2 / (b * b); 
d = sqrt(t1 + t2); 
d = 1 / d; 

int draw_x = xc + (r + d) * cos(t * alpha); 
int draw_y = yc - (r + d) * sin(t * alpha); 
int draw_ang = angle + alpha; 

drawEllipse(draw_x, draw_y, a, 
b, draw_ang, color); 

// Function to increment the angle 
// of rotation 
void ellipseovercircle(int xc, int yc, 
int r, int a, int b) 

float theta = 0; 
double h, p1; 

// Calculating the ratio of 
// perimeters of Ellipse and Circle 
h = (a * a) + (b * b); 
h /= 2; 
p1 = sqrt(h); 
p1 /= r; 
p1 = 1 / (p1); 

// by decreasing theta we can 
// move Ellipse clockwise 
for (;; theta -= 1) { 

// Draw Ellipse at new location 
// using White color 
slidePattern(xc, yc, r, a, b, 
theta, p1, WHITE); 

circle(xc, yc, r); // Drawing Circle 
delay(25); // Introducing delay 

// Erase the existing Ellipse 
slidePattern(xc, yc, r, a, b, 
theta, p1, BLACK); 

// Driver code 
int main() 

// Initialize graphics function 
int gd = DETECT, gm; 
initgraph(&gd, &gm, ""); 

// maximum X-coordinate for the window 
int maxx = getmaxx(); 

// maximum Y-coordinate for the window 
int maxy = getmaxy(); 

// Start drawing from the mid of the screen 
ellipseovercircle(maxx / 2, maxy / 2, 
100, 40, 28); 

return 0;