domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

From Arduino Serial Port to be read by Matlab

Taking some data from Arduino AnalogRead but sending to serial port with two decimal after scaling from 1023 end-scale to 5V real-end-scale

so, the sketch in Arduino is:

int sensorA;
float sensorA1;

void setup()

  Serial.begin(9600);  // sets the serial port to 9600

void loop()

  sensorA = analogRead(0);
  delay(20);                      // wait 20ms for next reading

the objective is getting data from Arduino for being displayed on Matlab.

For openning the Serial Port from Matlab...

s = serial('COM6');
out = fscanf(s);
clear s

the problems:
1) if MATLAB is run before Arduino connection, then Arduino found COM6 busy and it is not able to be connected
2) if Arduino get the COM6, the MATLAB find it busy and it is not able to connect and getting data from COM6

??? Error using ==> fopen
Port: COM6 is not available. Available ports: COM7.
Use INSTRFIND to determine if other instrument objects are connected to the requested device.


seems the project is blocked at this time.

MATLAB runs an old version 6.5.0, but I think no later version is required for this single application

Next solution steps to be checked:

getting data from Excel

from Excel 2007

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