miércoles, 26 de abril de 2023

SQL amb IIf imbricats Mid i InStr

 SELECT Mid(Sheet1.Field1,InStr(Sheet1.Field1,"; Di")+2,InStr(Sheet1.Field1,"h.;")-InStr(Sheet1.Field1,"; Di")) AS DiaHora, Mid(Sheet1.Field1,InStr(Sheet1.Field1,"; del "),InStr(Sheet1.Field1,"; Di")-InStr(Sheet1.Field1,"; del ")) AS DataData, Mid(Sheet1.Field1,InStr(Sheet1.Field1,"_M"),5) AS MP_UF_, 

IIf(InStr([Sheet1].[Field1], "IEA") > 0, 
IIf(  Mid([Sheet1].[Field1],InStr([Sheet1].[Field1],"IEA"),3)="IEA","IEA"), 

    IIf(InStr([Sheet1].[Field1], "GAD") > 0, 
IIf(  Mid([Sheet1].[Field1],InStr([Sheet1].[Field1],"GAD"),3)="GAD","GAD"),
    IIf(InStr([Sheet1].[Field1], "TAPSD") > 0, 
IIf(  Mid([Sheet1].[Field1],InStr([Sheet1].[Field1],"TAPSD"),3)="TAPSD","TAPSD"), 

    IIf(InStr([Sheet1].[Field1], "AFI") > 0, 
IIf(  Mid([Sheet1].[Field1],InStr([Sheet1].[Field1],"AFI"),3)="AFI","AFI"),

    IIf(InStr([Sheet1].[Field1], "EDI") > 0, 
IIf(  Mid([Sheet1].[Field1],InStr([Sheet1].[Field1],"EDI"),3)="EDI","EDI"),"")))))

AS Cicle1
FROM Sheet1;

viernes, 21 de abril de 2023

clic a un conjunto de botones a través de su xpath - DevTools Console

const elements = document.evaluate('//a[@class="answer flex items-center text-xl text-aac-orange hover:no-underline"]', document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);

for (let i = 0; i < elements.snapshotLength; i++) {

  const element = elements.snapshotItem(i);



jueves, 6 de abril de 2023

Open the Device Manager from the Run dialog box (Win+R)

 You can open the Device Manager from the Run dialog box (Win+R) by following these steps:

Press Win+R to open the Run dialog box.

Type "devmgmt.msc" (without the quotes) in the "Open" field and press Enter or click OK.

This will open the Device Manager window where you can view and manage the devices installed on your computer.

martes, 4 de abril de 2023

List of available cameras on computer

Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PnpEntity | Where-Object {$_.Caption -like '*camera*'} | Select-Object Name, Caption


PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Discover Laptop Webcam

Doctor Scripto

Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to discover a webcam attached to your laptop.

Hey, Scripting Guy! Question How can I use Windows PowerShell to find a webcam or camera that is attached to my laptop?

Hey, Scripting Guy! Answer Use the Get-CimInstance or the Get-WmiObject cmdlet, examine the Win32_PnpEntity WMI class,
          and look for something that matches camera in the caption.

By using Get-CimInstance in Windows PowerShell 3.0 or later:

Get-CimInstance Win32_PnPEntity | where caption -match 'camera'

By using Get-WmiObject in Windows PowerShell 2.0:

Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPEntity | where {$_.caption -match 'camera'}

Note  Not all webcams populate exactly the same way, so it may take a bit of searching
to find the right string.