lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

EXCEL no calcula la fórmula. Només mostra el text

Excel displays formula rather than result

Sometimes a bug in Excel results in the application displaying the text of a formula rather than the result of the formula in the spreadsheet. I have not been able to find a pattern of when it does it, but I have some spreadsheets that do this consistently.

The Fix

To get Excel to properly display the result:

  • Select the cell.
  • Format the cell as "General". (Right-click the cell, select Format Cells, and choose "General.")
  • Delete the "=" at the beginning of your formula, and hit Enter.
  • Insert the "=" back in the formula at the beginning.

That is it. You should now see the result of the calculation in the cell rather than the text of the formula.

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020

Lector PDF de Chrome y la barra que aparece automáticamente en la parte superior. Ocultar barra

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